Weekend in review
This was a pretty darned good weekend. The weather here was awesome, and I was able to get out among the civilians and do my own thing as well. I think I am coming down with a cold, which sucks, because I can't miss any school or I risk getting recycled (rolled back to a later class). I have been doing quite well in school, except today I bombed a test bad, but it was only a 10 point quiz, so I should recover from it quickly. As far as my PT goes, I am getting better, and have lost almost 10 pounds, and a complete percentage of body fat. That is pretty much in just 2 weeks. I did find out that after I graduate here and leave out, I will have what looks like 3 days of freedom back home before getting called up for the mobilization. As it stands now, we will be back home but working at the unit until around the beginning of June-ish. This is all subject to change, of course. Now, onto my weekend!
Inside the best party I have probably ever been to.
Yes, it was that much fun! When drunk people are taking your picture, you can't expect much. Me on the left, with Dustin Worles, creator of the best selling street racing series ever in the U.S., Mischief, and one heck of a nice guy.
Sunday The sergeants three and I decided that we would go to the Smithsonian's Washington Zoo. It really was a pretty darned good zoo. We got to see pandas fight with each other for food. A lot of the exhibits were closed for the winter, but it was good none the less. It is a large zoo, that is really spread out, so we had to do a lot of walking. I ended up taking about 500 pictures, a lot on action photo, so I just decided to put up a couple for highlights.
The gorilla exhibit was pretty cool. The glass was dirty, so pictures aren't that great. No pooflinging or any other less than socially acceptable behavior, but it was still pretty cool.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. I can't wait to see your pictures. You will have to teach me everything you have learned about picture taking ok. Lisa ;)
13 March, 2007 06:46
What a blast! Now I know why we didn't hear from you ~ you were having way too much fun! Pics are really interesting.
I agree with Alien Shaman ~ vitamins & sleep! If you can get that good stuff we use at home, do that.
Wonderful news about losing some weight! Can see it in your face. Keep up the good work!
Good luck on your next test!
13 March, 2007 20:26
That is so awesome you got hooked up with that release party, what a rush! Glad to hear things are going well. Keep us informed as to the status of those "3 days" before mobilization.
And stay away from Panda jaws.
14 March, 2007 02:01
They wouldn't dare take your camera.
16 March, 2007 01:25
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