Greetings from Iraq
Well, we all made it here safely. It is hot, and we haven't seen much outside the wire. Just a quick update. The average daily temp is around 115 degrees. It took us a couple days longer to make it due to some dust storms in Kuwait. I have yet to see the infamous camel spider, death walker scorpion or the Persian viper thing we hear so much about. What I have seen for the first time was the Bunker right outside my CHU (Connex Housing Unit.) Some jerk shot a rocket at us last night and managed to hit a large open area of dirt,of which we have plenty. No one got hurt. It was kind of exciting and moderately scary.
Aside from that, things have been quiet. I will be going on storys soon, so it will be nice to be able to do my job in the field.
I will post more when I get a chance.
Holy crap! I just watched some video of a Camel Spider on You Tube. Those things are freaky! I'd be more scared of those than Al-qaeda cockroaches.
Good luck with your stories. I'm glad you get to that instead of escorting the media.
14 August, 2007 18:17
Okay, thanks to Jake opening up the possibility in my mind that video of camel spiders exists, I just lost ten minutes of my life watching camel spiders in cage matches against scorpions. I also watched a camel spider saw (saw!!) the head off of a sizable lizard and then eat it.
All I can say is that I'm glad it's warm enough in Iraq that you aren't going to be needing any sleeping bags. I'll never set foot in one again...
14 August, 2007 18:39
Good to hear from you and know that you are safely there!
We're thinking about you!
14 August, 2007 20:16
hey man hows life in the suck hope you are well. remember that if they tell you to fix baoyunets that you are not supposed to attach a #2 pencil to the end of your weapon your pal nevada jack
19 August, 2007 21:33
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